June Hollywood
Jennifer Rofe, special guest from Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
Jennifer spoke of how she became an agent and went over opening segments from books she sold. Her stories of working with authors on their revisions and standing by them until they sold their first novel were heartening.

Rhonda Hayter on the left, schmoozing with a participant.

Our location...in case you were wondering! Very Hollywoody, n'est pas?
We also had another guest, Rita Crayon. We look forward to seeing your photos, Rita. Thanks for coming!
Jennifer Rofe, special guest from Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
Jennifer spoke of how she became an agent and went over opening segments from books she sold. Her stories of working with authors on their revisions and standing by them until they sold their first novel were heartening.
She is warm and intelligent, a young woman who loves her
profession, and has the utmost respect (one might even say, love) for writers who
she shepherds through the arduous task of first-time publication. And she
sticks by her authors as they continue their writing careers.
She replied: Why would you not want an agent?
Going into a deal with a major publishing firm without one,
she said, is fool-hearty and naïve. You may get a deal, but it will not be
anywhere near what you could have gotten with an agent and you may even get “scre—d.”
(This is me paraphrasing, of course.)
So, do not fear the friendly agent. Find one who fits your
style and go with it…so what if they take a cut off the top – that’s their livelihood!
And that’s how you know that they are working as hard as they possibly can to
get you the best deal possible – because they are working for themselves at the
same time.
Rhonda Hayter on the left, schmoozing with a participant.
More schmoozing...
Our location...in case you were wondering! Very Hollywoody, n'est pas?
We also had another guest, Rita Crayon. We look forward to seeing your photos, Rita. Thanks for coming!