Great News!
The Los Angeles region of SCBWI is now going to be giving out TWO annual scholarships for free tuition to attend either the Summer Conference in Los Angeles or the Winter Conference in New York City. (This is up from one scholarship a year, taking turns for illustrators and writers.) This year, SCBWI L.A. will be giving a scholarship to one writer and one illustrator.
These conferences are amazing - an opportunity to really kick in the turbo engines on your career, and to fully dive into the inspiration, business and craft of writing and/or illustrating. But most of all, the conferences are a chance to immerse yourself in the community of being a children's content creator. To spend a long weekend with people just as passionate about telling great stories as you. To breathe deep of that sense of belonging to a tribe - your tribe, and mine, too. (For a taste of what goes on at these conferences, check out the wealth of information over at The Official SCBWI Conference Blog!)
The theme/inspiration/prompt of the contest is
Entries must be postmarked by February 1st, so it's a great thing to work on now, before you have to go back to school/work/routine. Details are here.
You should enter. It's for free tuition, and even just doing the contest entry should be lots of fun!
Best of fortune, and here's to a fantastic 2011!
Shucks. I'd write a better story with the word "catawampus."
Catty Corner