Hollywood Schmooze writers critiqued each other's first five pages at their April meeting. Comments heard repeatedly included:
Introduce readers to your protagonist early. The group agreed that knowing the character taking you on the ride, determines whether or not you're likely to stay aboard. Several attendees asked that writers let them see into the protagonist's head.
"For me, it's a red flag if I don't identify with the protagonist," said one writer. "That's when the narrative seems like reporting."
Let readers hear and be able to identify the protagonist's voice. It's not only in dialogue that the protagonist speaks to readers. Even in narrative passages the reader wants to recognize the lead character's voice. When narrative reflects the protagonist's tone, readers can relax, knowing they are in the identifiable hands of the character guiding them through the work.
A question came up about what if there are two narrators in a work? Following discussion, the idea emerged that if there are two narrators, they must be equally strong, distinct, and well-drawn.
Build in details that support readers who may not share the writer's background knowledge.
In one piece of writing, a city in Italy was mistaken by some participants as the name of a character. Either name the country, or introduce some detail that lets readers know they are in Italy.
Several writers urged their colleagues to check out books about writing that they're currently reading. These included:
Martha Aldridge: The Plot Whisperer
Stephen Fry: The Ode Less Traveled
Stephen King: On Writing - A Memoir of the Craft
Anne Lamont: Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
Heather Sellers: Page After Page
Thanks to co-coordinator Deborah Fletcher Blum for emailing the writing samples and critique
forms to Schmooze partners.
---Jean Perry, Co-coordinator Hollywood Schmooze
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
The Failure Schmooze Recap...Which Charlie & Karol FAILED to Post Until Now
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail
again. Fail Better."
–Samuel Beckett T Shirt
Finally, a topic Charlie and Karol don’t have to research! They failed to alert people in a timely fashion that the Failure Schmooze date had changed, and some folks showed up the wrong
week. They failed to get this blog post up in a timely fashion
(seriously, this recap is for the January Schmooze, and it’s nearly freakin’ May). And they failed to realize how often the horrific words “timely
fashion” would come back to haunt them (particularly in regard to these blog
posts). What they did not fail to do, however, was to have a terrific Failure
Joking aside, your trusty co-coordinators did, of course,
research this, if only as a fail-safe against the Schmooze consisting of
listening to Charlie whine about his lack of success for two hours. It turned
out that there was a goldmine of information out there. So much so, in fact,
that the focus of this particular blog post will not be the usual “hilarious”
chatty blather about the Schmooze and how great Charlie and Karol are (though they are great,
of course), but a more sober and outward looking journey into what they found
on the topic of failure. They hope it doesn’t fail to enlighten and – yes – amuse you, dear Schmoozers.

Read more here: http://www.edutopia.org/blog/steve-jobs-failure-recovery-eric-brunsell
Of course, if you’re not already super wealthy and
successful like Steve Jobs, failure can be a bit harder to take. So how do you deal with it? One of the best answers came from an article in Business Insider, the gist of which is: Think of failure as a data-point – one more bit of
information you can use on your way to success.

More enticing was Gladwell’s essay in The New Yorker
encouraging us all to “embrace doubt,” because it “allowed for alternative ways
to see the world, and seeing alternatives could steer people out of intractable
circles and self-feeding despondency.” Charlie found this particularly
revelatory as he had no idea “self-feeding despondency” was a bad thing.
But the most useful words of wisdom Karol and Charlie discovered in their
Google journey through the universe of defeat was in an article by Heidi Grant Halvorson about the need to give ourselves permission to screw up. She cited
studies showing that “people approach any task with one of two mindsets: what I
call the “Be-Good” mindset, where your focus is on proving that you have a lot
of ability… and the “Get-Better” mindset, where your focus is on developing
ability. You can think of it as the difference between wanting to prove
that you are smart, and wanting to get smarter.”

Of course, Charlie and Karol did research artistic failure
as well. The odd thing was, though, that there were many more warnings about
success ruining artists than failure. As Joyce Carol Oates said in her essay NotesOn Failure, “early commercial success can
actually stunt a writer’s progress just as early ‘failure’ can contribute to a
writer’s success. “

Finally, dear Schmoozers, if all
this seems a bit too touchy-feely for you and what you really want is practical tips
to help you recover from failure, here’s 12, courtesy of Psychology Today and
Business Insider:
12 Tips about recovering from
failure! (Full text HERE)
1) Recognize
you’re suffering from a serotonin drop-off.
2) You
may also be suffering from a Oxytocin (love hormone) drop-off.
3) Most
who recover well have a good sense of humor and don’t take themselves too
4) People
who think intelligence is fixed at birth are more afraid of failure and find it
harder to cope. (Nothing you can do if game is fixed)
5) Over-shielding
a child from failure makes him or her more prone to getting an anxiety
6) Don’t
blame everything on yourself, but don’t blame everything on outside forces
7) Accept
the factors that are out of your control.
8) Don’t
be afraid to reach out to others—support groups give you a place to vent and
ask for help.
9) Try
keeping a journal to make sense of your personal story.
10) Sometimes you shouldn’t
get back on the horse. Sometimes
you have moved on, and it’s time to make a change in your life because you no
longer care the same things you used to.
11) Crisis opens doors you
never saw as an option.
12) It can be just as hard
to recover from success. (After
dopamine fires when you have success, it dips back to regular levels and leaves
you wanting more and feeling bad.
Charlie and Karol would love to end this blog post with a commitment to get current on all the 2014 Schmooze recap blog posts and
never, EVER get behind again…but that would just be setting themselves up for failure. So
instead, they’ll give you a couple more fun links...
...And a wimpy, “We’ll try our best…we promise!”
Keep passing the open windows,
Charlie & Karol
Friday, April 18, 2014
All Hands in Deck with The Westside Illustrators!
The Westside Illustrators
& Writers
WHEN:Thursday evening, April 24, 2014
7:00pm to 9:00pm
WHERE: 445 15th Street, Santa Monica CA 90402
Check out my blog and pix from last month's schmooze!
TOPICS: "Exploring Art Media!!"
WHEN:Thursday evening, April 24, 2014
7:00pm to 9:00pm
WHERE: 445 15th Street, Santa Monica CA 90402
Check out my blog and pix from last month's schmooze!
TOPICS: "Exploring Art Media!!"
All hands on deck!
· Experience new materials to add to your
illustration arsenal!
· Experiment with wet and dry media and
various papers!
· Feel free to bring your own favorites to
add to the mix!
· Be inspired!
"Doodle a Day " continues!
"Dream Big... Start Small!" with baby steps
Share progress and goals!
"Dream Big... Start Small!" with baby steps
Share progress and goals!
***BRING new work or
Come prepared to participate, ask questions and be inspired!
Next meeting ...Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Come prepared to participate, ask questions and be inspired!
Next meeting ...Tuesday, May 27, 2014
RSVP??? YES...if you can...
or.... SoozyEB@aol.com
or.... SoozyEB@aol.com
WHERE??? 445 Fifteenth Street,
Santa Monica Ca 90402
5 blocks
north of Wilshire, between Montana & San Vicente.
A two story Spanish-style private home.
A two story Spanish-style private home.
DIRECTIONS???... http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&q=445+15th+st+santa+monica&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x80c2a4af8b9ee295:0x4d6f577225e2717f,445+15th+St,+Santa+Monica,+CA+90402&gl=us&ei=AAPQToqZAYniiAKg-fnPCw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB8Q8gEwAA
PARKING???... Residential street parking
PARKING???... Residential street parking
Let's enjoy a fun creative evening together
& move forward in our common pursuit
of making a contribution to the world of
children's illustration and literature!
& move forward in our common pursuit
of making a contribution to the world of
children's illustration and literature!

cell 818 389 1950
come visit me...
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Hollywood Schmooze Welcomes Entertainment Lawyer Bonnie Berry LaMon
SCBWI member and entertainment lawyer Bonnie Berry LaMon, shared her expertise with Hollywood Schmooze attendees on March 20th.
Her topic: Key Contract Phrases and Their Meanings.
“First time
authors are generally so happy to get a contract that they sign first and deal
with the details later,” LaMon said. A graduate of Princeton
University and Harvard Law School, LaMon also has an MFA in Creative Writing for
Children and Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Like many
schmoozers, she is an aspiring author. But she has practiced entertainment law for over twenty years.
LaMon distributed
a handout of important contract terms which she discussed in detail. Some of the examples were:
“Be aware of terms
such as ‘Standard”, LaMon stated. “It is often designed to convince the reader
that the terms contained are typical to all contracts. It doesn’t mean that some of those terms
cannot be modified, negotiated or even deleted.”
Grant of Rights: “This is the list of
rights that author conveys to the publisher,” she said. “The rights may be exclusive, non-exclusive, perpetual or for a designated period of time.”
Term: “Pay attention to phrases such as
in perpetuity, any and all media, and life of copyright,” she suggested. “Life
of copyright means your life plus seventy years. Any and all media may include new media that
hasn’t been created yet. You can’t always anticipate how your creative project
will end up. Most emerging authors don’t envision their book as a Wii game or
an IPad app.”
Territory: LaMon noted that typical
contracts limit the territory to the United States and Canada but “some publishers want worldwide rights, meaning that the writer cannot make separate deals to see
the book anywhere else in the world.”
Format: LaMon noted that “the definition of book has changed because of
technological and distribution methods. A grant of primary book publishing
rights is generally defined as hardcover, trade paperback, mass market and
direct mail. Traditionally, electronic
books and audio books were considered subsidiary rights but now many publishers
include them in the primary rights definition.
Subsidiary Rights (aka secondary rights): LaMon explained that these are rights the
publisher may want from the author in addition to the primary rights described
above. These rights include: Book Clubs, Stage, Motion Picture, Television,
Merchandising, Foreign Translation, Periodical Rights and other commercial
platforms. Usually the publisher
licenses them to a third party and splits the revenue in pre-negotiated
percentages with the author. LaMon spoke
at length about why some of these rights should not automatically be given to
the publisher, and if they are, why the splits should favor the author, and
what kind of approval rights and other controls the author should request.
agent’s job is to get a good deal,” she said. “My job is to look for the
pitfalls in the contract, and to do my best to eliminate them.”
~~ Post writen by Jean Perry
Hope this gives you a taste of the outstanding learning that goes on at the Hollywood Schmooze.
We meet the third Thursday of every month near Hollywood and we welcome new members.
See you at the Schmooze,
Deborah Fletcher Blum and Jean Perry
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