Here is the info from our meeting 'Submitting our work to trades, magazines, and educational resource publications' that Rita put together. I've just included the writing links. If you also illustrate, then please look on the same sites for illustrator links.
Cricket Mag group:
National Geographic Kids:
If you have a background in education, you can also write for Teacher Created Materials: and Teacher Created Resources:
Boys Life mag:
Fun for Kidz mag:
Houghton Mifflin:
Educational market clearinghouse:
Children's magazines clearinghouse:
SCBWI is looking for a coordinator to help plan the 2015 Illustrator Day, which is tentatively set for Sept or Oct. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Laurenson, SCBWI LA's co-regional advisor, at
SCBWI is also looking for a published/listed illustrator to be the illustrator representative for the Published and Listed (PAL) group. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Robert Mellette at
Our next Schmooze is our holiday gathering Wine and Chocolate Party on Thurs., Dec. 18. 6:30-8:30 at the Wine Cave in Montrose. It's Sketch Book Night so bring your sketches/writing and chocolate to share! We will have good munchies and great chocolate.
Starting in January, we will meet on the second Thursday of the month, so that we don't conflict with our friends at the Hollywood Schmooze. We're still at the wonderful Once Upon a Time bookstore at 6:30-8pm.
For those of you on FB, our group has a page, SFV Glendale Illustrators/Writers Schmooze. Please check it out and "like" us.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Barney Saltzberg Visits the Hollywood Schmooze
STAR OF THE WEEK, by author-illustrator Barney Saltzberg |
Barney Saltzberg with a new Hollywood Schmooze guest and author, Jane Rosenberg. |
We met in "the Office" -- for a cozy chat, and gained an understanding of what the successful life of a successful picture book writer looks like. Barney tours and speaks at schools. He is also being sent on international tours now by the State Dept. as a cultural envoy. It all sounds rather incredible. But Barney was the most down-to-earth, personable guest imaginable.
He inspired us, as he must do for countless kids who read his books!
He also told us of his long road to success. Though publishing came fairly easily, it took a while for him to build up a following. He almost quit once or twice, but when he re-doubled his efforts, his success took off.
So, have faith. "Being an artist takes time!" And Thanks, Barney, for taking the time to visit our Schmooze....
Reading "CHENGDU" to us. |
Hearing Barney read: CHENGDU COULD NOT, WOULD NOT FALL ASLEEP was a treat. It is one of the most adorable picture books !
And he's working on a sequel right now....SFV Glendale (Montrose) Illustrators/Writers Schmooze
Hi folks! We had a great gathering on Nov. 20 where we discussed our successes (and otherwise) in children's trades, magazines, and educational resource publications. We also got to share resources and learn more about each other's work. We're looking forward to our holiday Schmooze on Dec. 18. Time and location to be confirmed, but most likely at 7pm at the Wine Cave in Montrose.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Westside Illustrators Schmooze
The Westside Illustrators
& Writers Schmooze
WHEN: Monday evening, November 17, 2014
7:00pm to 9:00pm
WHERE: 445 15th Street, Santa Monica CA 90402
TOPIC: Speaker Night
"Meet Librarian Kathleen Svetlik!"
Kat is the school librarian at Oakwood Elementary School
and previously Campbell Hall.
Learn everything you want to know about the children's library! Come prepared to participate and ask questions!
$5 speaker donation appreciated (but not required) for this meeting...
"Doodle a Day " continues!
"Dream Big... Start Small!" with baby steps
7:00pm to 9:00pm
WHERE: 445 15th Street, Santa Monica CA 90402
TOPIC: Speaker Night
"Meet Librarian Kathleen Svetlik!"
Kat is the school librarian at Oakwood Elementary School
and previously Campbell Hall.
Learn everything you want to know about the children's library! Come prepared to participate and ask questions!
$5 speaker donation appreciated (but not required) for this meeting...
"Doodle a Day " continues!
"Dream Big... Start Small!" with baby steps
no meeting in December
YES...if you can...
WHERE??? 445
Fifteenth Street, Santa Monica Ca 90402
5 blocks north of Wilshire, between Montana & San Vicente.
A two story Spanish-style private home.
PARKING???... Plenty of free residential street parking
PARKING???... Plenty of free residential street parking
enjoy a fun creative evening together
& move forward in our common pursuit
of making a contribution to the world of
children's illustration and literature!
& move forward in our common pursuit
of making a contribution to the world of
children's illustration and literature!
cell 818 389 1950

cell 818 389 1950
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
The Hollywood Writers Schmooze Explores Non-Fiction
In October, the Hollywood Schmooze met and discussed the ins and outs of non-fiction writing. This area is in great demand and growing. But somehow it seems less exciting than doesn't have to be! The trick as a non-fiction writer is to catch your audience's attention just as a thrilling fictional story would. Of course, you need to do a lot of research or already be an expert in a specific topic.
Librarians, teachers and parents know how important NON-FICTION is for TEACHING KIDS!
So, here are a few things we discussed:
RESEARCH BEST PRACTICES: Deborah says she's going to post a whole article on her blog about this, so you might as well go there to read more about that...Deborah's Blog
Here's an idea to get you inspired, if you don't know where to start:
Take a little known event in history, or historical figure, that you always wished you'd read about as a kid and try writing a biography about him or her or it.
Chances are, you might have an easier time getting this published -- because there is a great need for these types of works.
Make your story readable.
Document your sources,
provide timelines and sidebars and most of all...
let your young reader get lost in the wonder of the subject matter.
Even if your story is about something sad that happened, like a war or natural disaster, you can write it in a way that will let kids LEARN and KEEP these events in their memories.
NON-FICTION books are one of the best, easiest and "funnest" ways for kids to learn about history, science, nature and important political events.
For example: Just recently America under President Obama signed a pact with China to cut carbon emissions. How would you write a story about this event and make it exciting and fun for kids to read about? Imagine you took the public photo of Obama and China's Xi Jinping walking on the Great Wall that appeared in the news and turned it into a story.
This is just one of the many exciting possibilities awaiting those who take a turn at non-fiction.
NON-FICTION Book Proposals are different than Fiction Queries. Look at
Full Circle Literary agency for information on
how to submit a non-fiction book proposal.
The good thing about non-fiction is that you can submit a proposal, sample chapters and not
write the entire manuscript before signing a contract. But of course, then you need to meet the deadline you set with the publisher.
Good luck and let us know if you have any questions or comments!
Deborah Fletcher Blum and Jean Perry
SCBWI Hollywood Writer's Schmooze Co-coordinators
The Hollywood Writer's Schmooze meets in and around Hollywood and Miracle Mile.
Please check the SCBWI Southern California Regional Schmooze Calendar for more information.
schmooze calendar and see you at the Schmooze!
Librarians, teachers and parents know how important NON-FICTION is for TEACHING KIDS!
So, here are a few things we discussed:
RESEARCH BEST PRACTICES: Deborah says she's going to post a whole article on her blog about this, so you might as well go there to read more about that...Deborah's Blog
Here's an idea to get you inspired, if you don't know where to start:
Take a little known event in history, or historical figure, that you always wished you'd read about as a kid and try writing a biography about him or her or it.
Chances are, you might have an easier time getting this published -- because there is a great need for these types of works.
Make your story readable.
Document your sources,
provide timelines and sidebars and most of all...
let your young reader get lost in the wonder of the subject matter.
Even if your story is about something sad that happened, like a war or natural disaster, you can write it in a way that will let kids LEARN and KEEP these events in their memories.
NON-FICTION books are one of the best, easiest and "funnest" ways for kids to learn about history, science, nature and important political events.
For example: Just recently America under President Obama signed a pact with China to cut carbon emissions. How would you write a story about this event and make it exciting and fun for kids to read about? Imagine you took the public photo of Obama and China's Xi Jinping walking on the Great Wall that appeared in the news and turned it into a story.
This is just one of the many exciting possibilities awaiting those who take a turn at non-fiction.
NON-FICTION Book Proposals are different than Fiction Queries. Look at
Full Circle Literary agency for information on
how to submit a non-fiction book proposal.
The good thing about non-fiction is that you can submit a proposal, sample chapters and not
write the entire manuscript before signing a contract. But of course, then you need to meet the deadline you set with the publisher.
Good luck and let us know if you have any questions or comments!
Deborah Fletcher Blum and Jean Perry
SCBWI Hollywood Writer's Schmooze Co-coordinators
The Hollywood Writer's Schmooze meets in and around Hollywood and Miracle Mile.
Please check the SCBWI Southern California Regional Schmooze Calendar for more information.
schmooze calendar and see you at the Schmooze!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
"Harriet Can Carry It" author Kirk Mueller Book Signing
Kirk thanked everyone from his warm and lovely wife, to
our fearless Schmooze leader, Laurisa - and all people in between - for
supporting him in his dream - which took ten years to manifest. Ten
Kirk said, "I kept it a secure
for so was just a title, Harriet Can Carry It." And then one
day while he was rummaging through some rejected library books and he
found a picture of a kangaroo, and knew who Harriet was. He had to tell
her story.
Still a crazy, busy teacher, it took him many years after
that to actually write the book. He sent it out four years ago and got
some "really nice rejection letters." But he didn't give up. And after
two years he heard from Starlight Books that they wanted to publish.
And the rest, as Kirk said, "Was history."
Kirk, now happily retired,
is working on his next book, but that's not all. He returning to his
roots of story telling and song writing. He even wrote a song for the
adorable Harriet. A catchy tune that I'm still singing...
She said, "You all can come along.
If you just sing this song,
I'll carry your stuff till I've had enough
Cause I'm so nice and strong."
Fun fun fun. Congrats Kirk! And thanks for inviting us to "Come along and sing your song."
-Posted by Cindy Marcus
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Plotting, Structure And Other Stuff The October Schmooze Kinda-Sorta Covered (The Journey of Your Book, Part II)
It was another full house at the October 8th
Schmooze, which again included a handful of first timers – woot, woot! After
announcements and introductions, we quickly got down to the business at hand –
namely, how do we get from Story Spark (explored last month) to figuring out
our plot and structure?
Partygoer #1:
now, it's only a notion. But I think I can get
to make it into a concept. And
later turn it
an idea.
– Annie Hall
As usual, Charlie did extensive internet research. Though some (Karol) might argue that
this is merely his way of avoiding writing, others (Charlie) might argue that
this is a complete misunderstanding of his process. When tackling a new Schmooze topic, Charlie looks deep
inside himself to figure out his own personal response. Finding nothing there but desolation
and despair, a barren wasteland in black and white (not unlike the end of Eric
Von Stroheim’s Greed) with only a few,
desiccated, dying maggots of regret, Charlie turns to the internet.
Here’s what he found out about turning a brainstorm into a
Everybody does it differently.

Charlie then tried to learn what Plato was on about in his
poetics. The main thing Charlie
manage to cull from the great philosopher was the difference between plot and
story: Plot is causal. This
happened because that happened:
king dies, and the queen dies – story
king dies, and the queen dies of grief – plot
M. Forester
With that, the discussion turned to structure, and Karol,
being the tragically regimented gal that she is, gave a rundown on 3 Act
screenplay structure, which she feels can be applied to children’s novels. She also offered up the value of
another screenwriting trope, the 12 point Beat Sheet and shared a few specific
details about how creating one for her new middle grade novel helped her to
figure out the plot. In both of
these structure tools, the beginning and end sections together are as long as
the middle section, so a 12 point beat sheet would take a 3-6-3 format. Charlie began to think how he never
really got math and only passed geometry ‘cause Mr. Samuels took pity on him
and so, lost track of the conversation.
“But what of pictures books?” Karol mused, bringing Charlie
back to consciousness.. She tried
her hand at creating a 4 point Beat Sheet for Green Eggs and Ham, and came up with the following (which,
incidentally, amused structure-phobic Charlie to no end):
Sam I Am tries to get the narrator to try green eggs and ham,
but the narrator refuses.

Exasperated, the narrator agrees to try green eggs and ham if
it’ll make Sam leave him alone.
The narrator tries green eggs and ham and discovers, to his
astonishment, that he likes them.
Of course, there are many tools available to help writers
figure out plot and structure.
Charlie uses the outline feature in Microsoft Word heavily and brought
examples to share. And while he
finds popular writing software Scrivner most helpful once he’s gotten into
revisions, other writers swear by using it from start to finish. Some writers like using real index
cards (as opposed to virtual versions, like Scrivner features) to get a look at
their stories physically laid out in front of them. Starting at the end of your story and working your way
backwards, making sure there’s cause-and-effect from scene to scene, is another
trusted plotting exercise.
Many books, blogs and podcasts offering help with plot and
structure are out there, too – from the oft-mentioned Save the Cat by Blake Snyder to 20 Master Plots (And How To Build Them) by Ronald Tobias (both technically screenwriting
books but applicable to any stories) to Second Sight by Cheryl B. Klein and the Narrative Breakdown
podcast (

The discussion then moved on to The Other Stuff Your Book
Kinda-Sorta Needs – and that’s a list that can be endless. A few items on the list might be: voice, humor, a distinct point of view,
flawed but relatable character(s), character arc, antagonist, obstacles, theme,
stakes, etc., etc., etc..
Different books have different requirements, and each writer is probably
the best judge of what his or her own story needs.
We finished up the night with a choice of writing
exercises. Schmoozers were invited
to try their hands at doing beat sheets (for both novels or picture books) or
to work on “Other Stuff Brainstorming” (with the help of Karol’s trusty
worksheets, which you, TOO, can use by clicking HERE.) After rapping a bit about how the
exercises went, it was time to pack up and say our goodnights.
Based on the full houses and lively participation this month
and last, it’s clear to us here at Schmooze Central that this Journey Of Your
Book Year-Long Schmooze Experiment is a huge hit! Be sure to continue the journey with us on Wednesday,
November 12th when we’ll be discussing Writing, Rewriting,
Discipline And Other Loathsome Necessities.
Until then, keep passing the open windows,
Charlie & Karol
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