We like to think of ourselves as a
family here at the Westside Writers Schmooze. So when it came time to chinwag
about the new ways of getting your book out there in the Alternative Publishing
chapter of our Ground-Breaking Year-Long Concept-Schmooze Experiment:
The Journey Of Your Book:, we looked within.

These truly beautiful picture books sold really well (700,000 and still going—you can still get them here: kidwick.com). When asked what possessed him to take on such a gargantuan and seemingly impossible task (keep in mind, this was before “Print-On-Demand” was even a twinkle in Jeff Bezo’s eye), Eric said he did it because he felt the audio part of his books was integral to his vision and the publishing world wouldn’t have been interested. Now Grandpa Eric was a tough ol’ bird; not everybody has the stamina or the talent to just up and turn themselves into a full fledged publisher. But back in the late 80’s, that was just the way his generation was raised.

During the long process of birthing that book, Greg felt a need to also release a book of his poems. Greg wanted to see how e-books and self publishing worked, so he chose the poems he wanted to release, and then went to the website “fiver.” There, he hired someone to help him format his book. Not long after, he released The Late Bird. Greg said it was a great experience and hopes to do a few more poetry books in the next few years. He loves that its price is just $2.99 and that it will never go out of print!

That journey was full of challenges (including Kindle’s changing their whole language a week before his book’s original release date) but he now not only has a great book out on Amazon (buy it HERE), he knows how to program any book for it. Just like Grandpa Eric used his acting chops to set his books apart, Uncle Jeff used his nerdtastic computer skills to take on the publishing world.

Josh dove headfirst into promotion including social media, comic conventions, school visits and even stalking events with similar audiences to the one he was seeking. His ultimate goal was to “create an audience” for his comic, and it must have worked because now he has three print-on-demand books (order them at ) as well as a huge following online. For his part, Charlie has no book and his former agent and he have parted ways. But he’s not bitter. Because that would be wrong.

Our longtime Hippie Cousin, Paula McMath (paulamcmath.comcouldn’t make it to the Schmooze (she was off hiking the Appalachian trail with
some primo bud—her husband), but she sent a wonderful explanation of how she
took her birthday song, Very Happy Day, and turned it into an app! It started
as an idea for a book with audio, like Grandpa Eric used to do.
And, like he did, she found traditional publishers were put off by the audio component. But
instead of tying her wagon to the old world of paper, Paula moved on to the
world of apps where she found a slew of exciting of possibilities. Now she
could allow the user (what app people call readers) to choose the
gender of the main character, play the song with or without vocals, record
their own vocals over the music, and even play interactive games. Her takeaway:
“In a nutshell — a seeming
‘limitation’ has sent me into a more interactive and multi-layered approach to
realizing the project.” You can’t
get her app yet, but it will soon be available at the apple App store for
iphone and ipad.

Lastly, little sister Cassandra Federman who couldn’t stay up late enough for this month’s Schmooze, sent us a passel of great links for more info on alternative publishing:
A comparison of
Amazon’s Create Space with Ingram Spark Print On Demand and Author: http://www.selfpublishingadvice.org/watchdog-ingram-spark-vs-createspace-for-self-publishing-print-books/ -
Some great
Joanna Penn Podcasts interviewing self published kid-book authors: http://www.thecreativepenn.com/2014/01/14/books-for-children-karen-inglis/
NOTE: the first
podcast is a bit of a downer. The second one gives us all hope!

That made a lot
of sense, even to Charlie. His takeaway was that the value of publishing,
whether self or traditional, really depended on what you were hoping to get out
of it. Book writing is rarely lucrative, so authors should follow their own
unique paths to their audiences.
Whew! That’s it. As well it should be, don’t
you think?
Except - we just HAVE to share this awesome notes + sketch by Schmoozer Carol Green, who co-coordinator Karol thinks captured her likeness marvelously!
Be sure to join
us Wednesday, May 13th as The journey continues with From
Book Launches to School Visits, Promoting and Supporting Your Book.
& Karol