April 20th,

in our luxurious Pico salon,
the Westside Illustrators
enjoyed a
splendiferous evening
with our engaging
guest speaker...
writer and illustrator,
Kathryn Hewitt

and original paintings, Kathryn generously shared her life and work.
We were treated to an informative and humorous slide presentation,
full of photos & stories & artwork & fun. We examined her dummies and storyboards and sketches up close, asked a ton of questions,
got books signed, ate goodies & laughed a lot!

entertaining and most of all...inspiring us!!
To see more of Kathryn's work, visit her website
The Westside Illustrator's next meeting will be May 18th. Come join us!
For info contact Suzy Engelman Block...soozyeb@aol.com
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