L.A. Westside Illustrators Schmooze!
Please join us Monday Eve, April 20, 7-9pm
our special guest speaker is
award winning author/illustrator
Kathryn Hewitt
Kathryn has illustrated over 20 books,
4 of which she also wrote.
You may know her from her illustrations
for the series by Kathleen Krull.
"Lives of...the Artists, the Musicians, the Presidents", etc..!
Kathryn will share with us her many years
of professional experience,
and her many trials and tribulations along the way!
Check out her website...
(For this particular meeting, a $5 donation per person will go to the speaker)
This is a wonderful opportunity to get up close and personal
with Kathryn and her work.
What words of wisdom can she share with us?
How can she inspire u s to work towards our goals?
Does she have any secrets of the trade to bestow on us?

Come prepared to participate, ask questions and be inspired!
Let's enjoy a fun creative evening together & move forward in our common pursuit
of making a contribution to the world of children's illustration and literature!
our special guest speaker is
award winning author/illustrator

Kathryn has illustrated over 20 books,
4 of which she also wrote.
You may know her from her illustrations
for the series by Kathleen Krull.
"Lives of...the Artists, the Musicians, the Presidents", etc..!
Kathryn will share with us her many years
of professional experience,
and her many trials and tribulations along the way!
Check out her website...
(For this particular meeting, a $5 donation per person will go to the speaker)
with Kathryn and her work.
What words of wisdom can she share with us?
How can she inspire u s to work towards our goals?
Does she have any secrets of the trade to bestow on us?

Come prepared to participate, ask questions and be inspired!
Let's enjoy a fun creative evening together & move forward in our common pursuit
of making a contribution to the world of children's illustration and literature!
WHEN???...Monday evening, April 20, 2009, 7:00 - 9:00pm
WHERE???... 11624 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
This is a large gray building with ivy & bamboo on the facade.
The sign near the door reads - "Alliance Francaise."
DIRECTIONS???... http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLR,GGLR:2006-05,GGLR:en&q=11624+W.+Pico+BLvd,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90064&um=1&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&resnum=1&ct=title
PARKING???... Street parking only. You don't have to feed meters after 6pm. Do NOT park in the electrical warehouse parking lot next door OR the parking lot behind the building on the corner of Federal Ave. You will be towed...FAST!

RSVP???... YES...
We need to provide adequate seating, handouts... and goodies!
BUT...last minute guests are always welcome!
RSVP to..... soozyeb@aol.com
WHERE???... 11624 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
This is a large gray building with ivy & bamboo on the facade.
The sign near the door reads - "Alliance Francaise."
DIRECTIONS???... http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLR,GGLR:2006-05,GGLR:en&q=11624+W.+Pico+BLvd,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90064&um=1&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&resnum=1&ct=title
PARKING???... Street parking only. You don't have to feed meters after 6pm. Do NOT park in the electrical warehouse parking lot next door OR the parking lot behind the building on the corner of Federal Ave. You will be towed...FAST!

RSVP???... YES...
We need to provide adequate seating, handouts... and goodies!
BUT...last minute guests are always welcome!
RSVP to..... soozyeb@aol.com
cell... 818 389 1950
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