Karol: Ah,
crap, Charlie. It’s time for
another critique night recap.
Charlie: Um, is
Karol: YES,
Charlie. What are we supposed to
do? I mean, we really knocked it
outta the park with our first one in 2012
2012!? Have we been at this
for THAT long?
Yup. 2013’s recap was
pretty creative, too (http://socalschmooze.blogspot.com/2013/04/straight-from-schmoozers-mouths.html). But then last year, though the PBC
Schmooze with the “illustrators in Residence” gimmick was pretty spectacular,
we totally phoned in the blog with a 3-Schmooze recap FIVE months after the
Charlie: Yeah,
but it had that cool gif from The Shining!
Karol: Focus,
Charlie. What are we gonna
do? How can we possibly phone it
in any more than we already have in the past?
Charlie: Hit up
a few Schmoozers to write little blurbs about their experiences at the PBC Schmooze and “call it a
Karol: OMG –
that’s brilliant!!
Charlie: Sloth
and avoidance don’t just happen, Karol.
You have to work at them.
GREETINGS lovely Schmooze Blog readership! We present to you
now our recap of the Picture Book Critique Schmooze (through the eyes of its
We give you the Picture Book Critique Schmooze through the
eyes of the participants:
I was ready to query. My manuscript had been revised
and noted and re-revised and re-noted...and, well, you get the idea. What could
my fellow critiquers say except, “Brilliant! I hope you’ve already started
querying with such a masterpiece on your hands!”
They will say it’s too long! It’s wayyyy too
long! QUIET down voice in the back of my mind! I keep telling you, it’s
ready to go!
So, what did my fellow Schmoozers say?
It was awesome! ... And long. Wayyyy too long to submit for
queries. Then they helped me figure out what to trim so I could keep
the heart of my work intact. They gave me the objectivity that I needed after
having been with the story for so long.
Since the critique, I’ve been able to cut my manuscript
nearly in half. And today, I finally sent out those queries! We shall see how
it goes, but at least I know I’ve sent out something that even the voice in the
back of my mind is proud of.
Sometimes you just need some really smart people to tell you
what you refuse to hear. Thanks SCBWI Westside Schmooze!
As my first ever in-person critique, the experience was
immensely valuable.
There are obvious benefits to receiving constructive
feedback from your peers. For instance, in hearing my story read aloud, I keyed
into weaknesses that I’d missed during my own readings (and re-readings). The
group called out additional spots needing repair, and together we brainstormed
on possible solutions. This process was made painless by the care everyone took
to be supportive and kind in their recommendations.
Getting a notebook full of suggestions was great, but the
second (and my favorite) benefit was learning where my writing was already
successful. My group pointed out exactly which lines were
strong and connected
with them. This gave me a glimpse of what good writing can achieve and
encouraged me to keep revising.
Perhaps the least obvious benefit is the one you get when
you give (rather than receive) feedback. As with reading published picture
books, my group’s unique voices and fresh styles inspired me. But something
else happens when you not only read but analyze a story. You get better at
identifying the differences between writing that sparkles and writing that
needs a polish. And this skill kicks in when you sit down to type. Giving
critiques evolves your writing.
For these and many more reasons, I encourage everyone to
participate in a critique Schmooze.
--Sarah Harroff

The critique group I participated in consisted of five
writers. Of these, four writers had picture book stories for critique. The
feedback that I received was of great value. First, it was supportive of my
story and writing. Secondly, it was specific in offering me new ideas to
consider. The ideas were aimed at strengthening characters and story content.
I appreciated that the critique group writers were
respectful, direct with feedback, and attentive to one
another’s work.
--Frank X. Acosta

My own manuscript had already been through several drafts
and a couple of critique groups, but the writers at the Schmooze helped me to
cut out even more extraneous lines. And voila! There was the perfect surprise
ending for my story. It was in the manuscript the whole time, but I didn't see
it until the writers at the Schmooze pointed it out. Hooray for the Schmooze!
--Andrea J. Loney
I always find it a useful evening. There was a teacher at
our table (can't remember her name,) and she had some very insightful things to
say. Also, we had an illustrator (can't remember her name, either,) and I
appreciated her viewpoint, too. All in all, it's a great way to get fresh eyes
on your work.
--Laurie Young
I had Greg Pincus and Andrea at my table and some other very
lovely and insightful people. Off to do another rewrite. This is always a great
evening. I just wished I could have heard everyone's book!
--Susan Berger
We had two newbies and two experienced writers at our table.
I have to say that I was really impressed with all the work presented that
evening. The incomparable Rita read each text aloud with verve and enthusiasm.
I agree with Laurie - it's really helpful to writers to have a fresh eye - and
ear - review your work.
--Joan Charles
What Joan said! (And thank you!) I was really impressed with
the work at our table as well.
--Rita Crayon Huang
Laurie, Sue, Joan & Rita: Who you calling grisly & old?!?!
Sorry. We meant “grisly
old-timers” in the sense that you’re all creative geniuses who’ve been around
long enough to have thick skin and really know your stuff!
Charlie: Do you
think they’ll buy that?
Karol: Beats me
Time for us to make our getaway!
Join us for the Novel Critique Schmooze on Wednesday,
February 11th and until then…
Keep passing the open windows,
Charlie & Karol
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